Webinar: New Generation of Emissions Trading Systems in Asia
This webinar presents an overview of the new generation of emission trading systems that is emerging and a snapshot of the recent ETS developments in Asia - focusing on India, Vietnam, and Indonesia.

Emissions trading systems as a policy instrument to tackle greenhouse gas emissions have been around for almost two decades. By imposing a limit on the total amount of emissions, regulated entities are incentivized to reduce their emissions to be able to sell their surplus emissions allowances to others. This is how ETS works – at least traditionally.
However, a new generation of ETS is emerging. ETSs with alternative design elements or hybrid systems are currently under development or being implemented around the world, as countries adapt the market-based instrument to suit their different local contexts and priorities. These include elements like intensity-based caps, or combinations of emissions trading and carbon taxation, or transitioning from voluntary to compliance carbon markets. Such variations demonstrate the dynamism of the policy instrument, and jurisdictions may learn from past experiences on which elements work best in which contexts to achieve different objectives. This webinar presents both a view ahead and also a snapshot of the newest ETS developments in Asia - focusing on India, Vietnam, and Indonesia.
Presentation slides are available for download below:
Mohua Mukherjee: "The Indian Carbon Market (ICM) as an instrument on India’s Pathway to Net Zero by 2070"
Dang Hanh: "Vietnam's carbon market development"
Paul Butarbutar: "Update on the regulatory framework for carbon pricing instrument in Indonesia"

Dr. Mohua Mukherjee

Mohua is an energy economist and project finance specialist, currently working as a Senior Research Fellow at the Oxford Institute of Energy Studies.
Dang Hanh

Dang Hanh is an expert on Vietnamese climate policy and carbon pricing, as well as Co-Founder of VNEEC, a leading consultancy in Vietnam in the field of climate change & GHG emission mitigation, ozone layer protection, and green growth.
Paul Butarbutar

Paul Butarbutar has almost 3 decades of experience in environment and climate. He has also provided advisory services related to climate policies, fiscal policies to support low carbon investments, MRV, carbon pricing, carbon footprint, REDD+, and other issues.