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17th ICAP Training Course in Bangkok, Thailand




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ICAP convened its 17th Training Course on Emissions Trading in Bangkok from 25 April to 4 May 2017.

  On this occasion, 28 participants from countries such as China, India, Kazakhstan, Philippines, Thailand, Turkey and Vietnam were selected. Teaching faculty consisted of experienced decision makers from ICAP member jurisdictions and international ETS experts.

With a focus on the Asian Region, the ICAP Training Course in Bangkok addressed a range of issues faced in the design of emissions trading systems (ETS). Covered issues include:

·  Data collection and inventory generation

·  Setting the cap

·  Defining scope and coverage of a trading scheme

·  Allocation methods

·  Ensuring compliance through adequate monitoring, reporting, verification and enforcement

·  Registry design and implementation

Additionally, the course explored important steps in the implementation of an emissions trading system, with consideration given to the specific needs and interests of developing countries in the region.