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ICAP Annual Meeting in The Hague, 14-16 October 2015




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ICAP MEETING: The ICAP annual meeting was held in The Hague, the Netherlands on 14-16 October 2015.

Policymakers from a wide range of ICAP jurisdictions, ICAP co-chairs and members of the ICAP Secretariat convened in The Hague in October, kindly hosted by the Netherlands, which currently co-chairs the partnership together with the province of Québec.

The meeting brought together 12 different jurisdictions to discuss the latest developments in emissions trading, including Ontario's plans for an emissions trading system (ETS), the implications of the Clean Power Plan in the United States and the proposals for reforming the European Union ETS put forward by the European Commission for the post-2020 phase. As part of the linking workshop, ICAP members, observers and guests discussed different models of linking systems. Building on this discussion, the future focus and priorities for ICAP in this area were also mapped out.

Members and observers also had time to discuss ICAP's recent and future activities in terms of capacity building via the biannual ICAP training courses in emissions trading. The partnership's ETS knowledge sharing activities, including such products as the annual ICAP Status Report on Emissions Trading and the interactive ETS map, were also considered at the meeting.