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Out now: ICAP Newsletter Second Quarter 2017
We are pleased to share the 14th issue of our ICAP newsletter (Second Quarter 2017), a quarterly summary of the latest developments in emissions trading around the world and activities here at the International Carbon Action Partnership.
In this issue:
ETS around the world
- Californian court confirms legality of auctioning allowances
- Changes to banking rules in Korean ETS
- Virginia government to develop carbon market regulations for the power sector
- Latest carbon prices from ETS around the world
News from ICAP
- SURVEY: Seeking your input on the ICAP ETS library
- New ICAP Study: Emissions Trading and the Role of a Long Run Carbon Price Signal
- New ICAP ETS Briefs on Allocation and Flexibility
- ICAP Tokyo Symposium 2017, June 14
- ICAP Training Course in Bangkok, Thailand
- 2nd ICAP Advanced Course on Emissions Trading in Lisbon, Portugal
Interested in more ETS news? Subscribe to our quarterly newsletter here or follow us on twitter @ICAPSecretariat