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In the lead up to the launch of the Chinese national emissions trading system (ETS), ICAP organized and participated in a series of emissions trading events in the first half of December in China.
On 6 December, ICAP co-organized the high-level forum on Carbon Emissions and Emissions Trading in Power Sector in Hangzhou with the Chinese Society for Electrical Engineering (CSEE). More than 250 stakeholders from power companies, carbon exchanges, research institutes, think tanks, and NGOs attended the opening ceremony where the newly established working group on carbon emissions reduction and emissions trading under the CSEE was launched. In addition, William Acworth from the ICAP Secretariat delivered a key note speech on of the role of carbon markets in the global, low carbon transition. In the afternoon, ICAP, the GIZ, SinoCarbon and Huadian Electric Power Research Institute organized an international workshop on interactions between an ETS and power sector regulation. Participants discussed these interactions and implications for policy design in light of China’s power sector reform and its national ETS.
On 7 December, ICAP, the GIZ and China Carbon Forum (CCF) organized a China Low Carbon Leadership network event on the role of emissions trading in China’s low-carbon transition. The event took place in Beijing with more than 70 participants from the public and private sector. William Acworth from the ICAP Secretariat delivered a key note speech on 2017 ETS milestones worldwide. Dr. Felix Matthes from Öko-Institute, Professor Teng Fei from Tsinghua University, Professor Frank Jotzo from the Australian National University, and Stefano De Clara from International Emissions Trading Association (IETA) shared their views on China’s carbon market and implications for domestic low-carbon transition as well as the impact of the national ETS on other jurisdictions.
On 13 December, the China Emissions Exchange and the European Commission hosted a conference on emissions trading in China and the EU in Shenzhen. The event was attended by more than 30 alumni from the ICAP ETS training courses, as well as Lina Li, a Chinese carbon market expert from the ICAP Secretariat.