Latin America Climate Summit (LACS) 2024: 25-27 June in Cartagena, Colombia
IETA and ICAP look forward to welcoming delegates to our flagship Latin America Climate Summit (LACS) 2024, taking place 25-27 June at the Centro De Convenciones Cartagena De Indias in Cartagena, Colombia.
Centro de Convenciones Cartagena de Indias, Calle 24, Getsemani, Cartagena Province, Bolivar, Colombia

Carbon Markets and Fair Transition for Latin America and the Caribbean
As part of our Annual Regional Climate Summit Series 2024, the International Emissions Trading Association (IETA) and the International Carbon Action Partnership (ICAP), together with Asocarbono, look forward to welcoming delegates to our flagship Latin America Climate Summit (LACS) 2024, taking place 25-27 June at the Centro De Convenciones Cartagena De Indias in Cartagena, Colombia.
LACS will address the following fundamental topics for the development of carbon markets in the region, such as:
- In which direction are regulations on carbon markets heading in countries from the region?
- Communities at the heart of the discussion: How to ensure adequate implementation of safeguards and co-benefits under the current situation?
- REDD+ projects and jurisdictional programs: Is there an election for Latin America and the Caribbean?
- National and subnational states How to ensure proper synchronization of instruments between jurisdictions?
- How can voluntary, compliance and Article 6 carbon markets interact to support climate action in the region?
Participate in this great opportunity to listen and interact with government representatives, the business sector and opinion leaders who lead efforts to create, scale and collaborate in the development of carbon markets on the path to net-zero. Organized by IETA and Asocarbono, LACS 2024 is an in-person event that includes high-level plenaries, keynote conferences, transversal talks, parallel events and unique networking opportunities.
You can register for the summit here.
Daily Snapshot
25 June – DAY 1: Open Side Events, Closed Meetings & LACS Welcome Reception
26 June – DAY 2: Summit Sessions, Open Side Events & IETA Nightcap Party
27 June – DAY 3: Summit Sessions, Open Side Events
Agenda Topics Overview (Subject to updates)
- Carbon Pricing Landscape in Latin America and the Caribbean
- Regional Subnationals Role in Carbon Markets & Achieving Climate Commitments
- Voluntary Carbon Market - Integrity & Regulation of Markets for Carbon Credits
- Financing the Just Transition
- Indigenous People and Local Communities: Safeguards, Benefit Sharing, and Equitable Distribution of Resources
- Evolving landscape and approaches to REDD+ & Jurisdictional Programs and Nested Projects
- Interplay of Carbon Instruments: ETS, Carbon Tax and Carbon Boarder Adjustment Mechanisms (CBAM)
- Carbon Markets and Biodiversity: Road to COP16
- Communicating to Achieve Net Zero
- Fireside Chat: Article 6 and Guyana's First Corresponding Adjustment
- Tech Removals and Decarbonisation Pathways
- Technology Platforms and Digital Monitoring-Reporting-Verification (MRV)
- Lawyers' Carbon Market Roundtable
- Capacity Building - Institutional Setting to Support Carbon Pricing Right in Latin America and the Caribbean
Practical Information
- If you would like to attend as a delegate, register HERE
- To join as a media, contact Badr Maallem, maallem
ieta [dot] org (maallem[at]ieta[dot]org)
- For ICAP-related inquiry, contact Stefano DeClara, Stefano [dot] declara
icapcarbonaction [dot] com (Stefano[dot]declara[at]icapcarbonaction[dot]com)
- Summit venue: Centro de Convenciones Cartagena de Indias - Cl. 24 #8A-344, Getsemaní, Cartagena de Indias